Underpinned by the Urban Mining Design Philosophy, this R&D explores the extraction of materials and components from the existing built environment of City Centre South, transforming them to propose dramatic...
Skills training became public spectacle as we set up a mobile foundry and turned the sculpture creation process into a performance, sharing the excitement of the aluminium casting process with...
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Pangaea Sculptors’ Centre. To mark this milestone, Pangaea invited three local/Midlands artists via open call and three nationally-based artists via invitation, to...
Online Professional Practice Seminar supported by the British Art Network to hold conversations with a group of women and non-binary identifying artists to research into sustainability and the commissioning and...
This fifth chapter saw the last year’s growing, sourcing and creation activity brought together in this site-specific public art installation, designed for Coventry Canal Basin and inspired by the surrounding...