
Urban Mining Art & Design Test Lab – Harnessing the Potential in the City Centre South Redevelopment

Lucy Tomlins
Coventry University’s Delia Derbyshire Building, Cox St, CV1 5PH

“Sustainable Urban development is the key to a more sustainable world. Our economic system should no longer rely on fossil fuels or other destructive resource extraction.”
Secretary General Gino Van Begin, International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)

Coventry is at a pivotal moment. The imminent ÂŁ450 million redevelopment of City Centre South, and ten-year meanwhile use place-making strategy, invites a conversation about the benefits of a systems-driven, city-wide approach to regeneration. Integrating public art and place-making into the way we develop new, local sustainable urban development systems, how can we collaborate more effectively to deliver on the Council’s Climate Change Strategy and its commitment to make Coventry the “UK’s leading City for environmental change, improving the quality of life for all”.

“Decoupling growth from resource use in Europe is achievable within a decade.” World Bank

This practice-based Urban Mining Art & Design Test Lab 2024 is underpinned by the Urban Mining Design Philosophy. This R&D explores the extraction of materials and components from the existing built environment of City Centre South, transforming them to propose dramatic public realm artworks and interventions.

Shaped to support place-making through creative approaches to public consultation, the Lab model seeks to communicate and demonstrate the value of harnessing Urban Mining as a tool to trial, test and evidence new circular economy methods. It responds to the UN Sustainability Goals and aims to reduce carbon to net Zero by 2050. Drawing from the built environment of City Centre South, selected students from across the University’s postgraduate Art, Design and Architecture courses have been working in interdisciplinary teams to undertake feasibility studies, develop material schedules with carbon and life-cycle analysis and ideate new temporary public art, structures and place-making systems.

“Coventry City Council, like all other local authorities across the world, has an important leadership role to play
in tackling the biggest threat to life on earth and the future of our planet.

“Achieving net zero will require changes that are unprecedented in their scale and scope.”
Cllr J. O’Boyle, Coventry City Council

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