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Skills training became public spectacle as we set up a mobile foundry and turned the sculpture creation process into a performance, sharing the excitement of the aluminium casting process with...
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Pangaea Sculptors’ Centre. To mark this milestone, Pangaea invited three local/Midlands artists via open call and three nationally-based artists via invitation, to...
This fifth chapter saw the last year’s growing, sourcing and creation activity brought together in this site-specific public art installation, designed for Coventry Canal Basin and inspired by the surrounding...
Synonymous with the English landscape until the middle of the last century, stacks and ricks are still used to store and dry straw and grain in many parts of the...
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Mycelium is the vegetative root structure of fungus and it offers near limitless opportunities for the development of biobased materials for application in numerous industries, including sculpture....
Quarried on the Isle of Portland, Dorset, Portland stone is formed in a marine environment, on the floor of a shallow, warm, sub-tropical sea....
Research, community consultation, design development and planting for the Hand Earth Gesture Return public art programme for Coventry ad Warwickshire....

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