
Taste the Flavours

With members of the Gurdwara Guru Nanak Parkash and Jess Mooney from Bread for Life
Coventry Canal Basin, CV1 4LY

An opportunity to taste the flavours of our 1936 Atle Spring Wheat flour, traditionally harvested, winnowed and stone round. Artisan baker Jess Mooney from Bread for Life shared biscuits and breads for you to sample, members of the Gurdwara Guru Nanak Parkash demonstrated how to make chapatis and there was live flour milling with John Letts from the Heritage Grain Trust.

Part of the Hairy Barge Event Day: A number of talks and workshops at the intersection of heritage, craft and contemporary art to mark the arrival of our Hairy Barge into Coventry; bringing our straw harvest to the communities that will help to transform it this Spring/Summer into the Hand Earth Gesture Return public art installation.


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