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Cloud Study by Charlie Godet Thomas was the third sculpture commissioned for 'Sculpture At Bermondsey Square'....
Pylon and Pier, by Lucy Tomlins, was the second public sculpture commissioned for 'Sculpture At Bermondsey Square'....
Interview with Sven Mündner, independent Consultant (Culture and the Creative Economy) and Co-founder of Bold Tendencies....
Interview with Thomas Winstanley, Director of London Bronze Foundry....
A publication exploring developments in the practice of sculpture in London 2015, through the lens of three themes: ‘Adventures in Material and Space’; ‘Public Sculpture, Public Art’ and ‘Ambition and...
Life Cycle, Continuous considers the life cycle of both artwork and artist’s legacy with a particular focus on how it transforms, evolves and transitions across platforms, people, place and time....
Which one of these is the non-smoking lifeboat? marks the culmination of Pangaea's Autumn 2015 artists’ residency. The exhibition showcases the ambitious three-dimensional artworks realised over the course of the...
Interview with Haroon Mirza who self-describes as a ‘composer, manipulating electricity, a live, invisible and volatile phenomenon, to make it dance to a different tune’. His work spans kinetic sculptures,...

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