– Ongoing
Pangaea offers photogrammetry and structured light laser scanning, as part of our digital sculpting, design and rendering services.
Photogrammetry is the art and science of extracting 3D information from photographs and can be better suited to certain light and weather conditions, especially when shooting on location. The process involves taking overlapping photographs of an object, structure or space and converting them into 2D or 3D digital models.
Able to meet different artists’ needs, our EinScan HX handheld scanner can be used for a wide range of object sizes, to create replicas, models, or kept as digital files. With up to 0.05mm accuracy, Digital copies of artwork reduce physical storage cost and provide an insurance policy in case of theft or fire, with potential to be turned into NFTs.
Pangaea Sculptors’ Centre
Daimler Powerhouse Unit 4,
Sandy Lane Business Park,
Sandy Lane, Coventry, CV1 4DQ
Pangaea Sculptors’ Centre
Community Interest Company 08424651
VAT Registration No.: GB 3707 412 08
Registered in England and Wales